
The DuPage Unitarian Universalist Church exists as a beacon of liberal religious thought and practice. Amid the challenges and changes of a chaotic world, we aspire to proclaim and embody the possibilities of meaning in human life, of freedom in human thought, and of peace and justice in human community.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A group of church members is meeting to discuss Beth Terry’s book, Plastic Free—How I Kicked the Plastic Habit and How You Can Too.  Most plastics are made from petroleum, a non-renewable resource, and they are expected to persist in the environment for hundreds of years. Furthermore, numerous health issues have been identified that are related to chemicals found in plastics.   In our first lively discussion many ideas were raised.  The easiest things EVERYONE can do to reduce their use of plastics are:  1) bring reusable bags to the grocery store, and 2) stop using single-use water bottles.  I offered to compile resources we were exchanging and the group thought that it would be fun to share this information with our entire congregation.  So, here you have it—the first installment of miscellaneous information and the what-you-can-do—of our discussion—which ultimately boils down to ideas for living with a lighter footprint on planet earth.

1. Need to recycle VHS tapes?  Dorothy sends hers to Training, Inc.  2200 Burlington St, Columbia, MO 65202.  See http://www.actservices.org/.  Individuals with disabilities recycle VHS tapes, CDs, DVDs, and the plastic storage cases for tapes and discs.  You pay shipping.
2. Want to eliminate your use of plastic produce bags? Some Jewel stores now sell reusable mesh bags in the produce department. Also see: http://www.earthwisebags.com/
3. Shampoo bottles? Eliminate that plastic.  Pat uses Zum bar soap that she buys at Whole Foods to wash her hair.  Also available on-line at http://www.indigowild.com/category/natural-soap/
4. Susan suggests that if you want to bake your own bread, AND you need an easy recipe, here’s one to try.  You can make round loaves of different sizes and the dough can be conveniently refrigerated. There are pictures with the recipe to help you along.  http://lisasdinnertimedish.com/?p=732
5. Interested in raw food?  Rick says you must look into it and here is a website he recommends: http://www.vibranthealthandwealth.com/vibrance/index.html
A local “raw food” restaurant getting good reviews is Borrowed Earth in Downers Grove. See  http://www.borrowedearthcafe.com/.

We’ll share more after our next session!

Susan Camasta

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